Lighting For Pics and Season Appropriate Makeup


         We always hear about natural lighting and how its best for photography, but then we use our flashes and have to take pictures when no natural lighting may be available. All of this leaves us with more pictures we delete than actually use. There are certain things we can do to ensure our makeup indoors looks just as flattering outdoors, we take better pictures and are aware of how the products we use can work against us. Makeup: I know we try to protect our skin with SPF but foundations, concealers and powders with SPF can ruin our pictures. This is because they can give a washed out face or reveal the line where the product stops and skin and hairline begins. So for days where you are taking professional pictures (i.e wedding days) opt for a routine without SPF in the products! If you are trying to make a video or take a picture, natural lighting is best because it is thee broadest light there is! The broader the light source, the softer the subject appears. Broad light sources reduces contrast, wrinkles, fine lines and texture. Flashes and other narrow light sources work to highlight EVERYTHING I just mentioned (avoid this by holding it further out). This is why natural light is always best! If indoors move lamps closer to yourself or whomever is being photographed, this broadens the light. Move it further away and create shadows that can make features look severe. In the included picture you can see my skin tone changing because of the lighting. The larger picture has natural lighting with the mirror focusing light just in the middle of my face. With this even you can see how my skin looks lighter in that area. The top photo is lamp lighting and it is further away, only a couple of feet. Below that I’ve combined a partially closed blind and a lamp, followed by another mirror pic done by lamplight only. Each picture differs. 

       There are two distinct looks in my picture above. The three pics on the left side of the picture have a brighter set of colors. I’m wearing a reddish-orange lid with my regular transition color and under brow highlight. Just under my waterline is a delicate line of bright yellow. This type of look screams tropical and is best for the warmer seasons. Pops of bright color lookS beautiful on sun-kissed skin. When we head into fall and winter months we start getting into the Merlot toned lipsticks, less glosses, more mattes, deeper toned eyeshadow and smokey eyes. Though some of these colors can be worn during warmer months, they seem to capture the beauty of a woman more so during colder months. Consider the season when choosing makeup colors and palettes! Like my blog? You’ll love my Facebook Group Unencumbered Beauties!!! Follow my blog, Join my FB Group, chat, learn and teach!!     

Starting A New Facebook Group and Why I Did It

Only one day ago I started a new Facebook group, Unencumbered Beauties. I started the group because I posted, in another group dedicated to haircare, about my skincare regiment and was overwhelmed by all the questions I received. I was replying to posts for about five hours! Thank goodness I have the Facebook app on my phone. In my post I addressed skin problems that are symptomatic of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). I have had these problems for years and wasn’t getting information specific to the cause of them. I didn’t realize how many women had the exact same problems that I had. That experience is what lead me to starting a group just for skincare and beauty hacks for all women but especially those with problematic skin and those with PCOS. I don’t have all the answers but what I do have is a sincere want to learn and pass on information that I’ve acquired over the years. Every embarrassing skin situation, you name it, I’ve probably been through it. My group is to start a conversation and talk about specific products, habits and more that can at the very minimum erase the embarrassment of PCOS off of our faces. My skin isn’t perfect, but for the first time in years I can say LOOK AT MY SKIN! I’M NOT WEARING MAKEUP! I can opt to not wear makeup and not feel embarrassed about my looks anymore. I’ve battled my face, hormones, body and self esteem long enough to know that I have a voice, story and information to help whoever wants to hear. I hope you as well will join my group to motivate, encourage and inform all the women I call MY BEAUTIES.